Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are a great way to improve your English pronunciation skills. You can make a game out of pronouncing them. It is best to do these with either a partner or a teacher. If you do not have either, then try recording yourself and then listen back to how you sound. Continue to do…

Filler Words Um Ah So Like Right
For people who are still learning English, they might use filler words. They are used as a crutch or in times where ESL learners cannot think of what to say. Filler words are used to allow people to collect their thoughts. The problem with this is once you start using them they become a bad…

Ed Sound
When we use the past simple tense and past participle for regular verbs they end in -ed. Examples of past simple tense:cook -> cookedjump -> jumpedlook -> looked Keep in mind that many adjectives end in -ed because they are made from the past participle. Examples of adjectives ending in ed:He wears ragged clothes.She likes…

Think In English
To become good at a language you need to be able to think in that language. Most people think in their native language and then translate to English. If you want to speak English fluently you need to “think in English.” You can do this through consistent practice. It is best if you practice first…