Formal English is used in more formal situations, such as academic writing, business communication, and formal speech. It is characterized by a more formal vocabulary, a more structured syntax, and a more impersonal tone.
There are a few grammar rules that are typically followed in formal English, but not always in informal English. Here are a few examples:
- Formal English often uses the subjunctive mood to express a hypothetical or uncertain condition. For example: “If I were you, I would consider a different option.” In informal English, the subjunctive mood is often replaced with the conditional mood: “If I was you, I would consider a different option.”
- Formal English often uses the passive voice to emphasize the action or result, rather than the agent performing the action. For example: “The project was completed on time.” In informal English, the active voice is more commonly used: “We completed the project on time.”
- Formal English often uses formal vocabulary, such as “commence” instead of “start,” “endeavor” instead of “try,” and “utilize” instead of “use.” Informal English tends to use more common, everyday words.
- Formal English often avoids contractions, such as “don’t” and “can’t,” in favor of the full form of the words, “do not” and “cannot.” Informal English commonly uses contractions.
- Formal English often follows traditional grammatical rules, such as avoiding split infinitives and ending sentences with prepositions. In informal English, these rules are often relaxed.
It’s important to note that these are general guidelines, and there are exceptions to every rule. The most important thing is to use the appropriate level of formality for the situation and audience.
Informal English is used in casual situations, such as conversations with friends, informal writing, and informal speech. It is characterized by a more casual vocabulary, a more relaxed syntax, and a more personal tone.
Here are some examples to illustrate the difference between formal and informal English:
Formal: I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss the terms of the contract.
Informal: Hey, can we meet up to talk about the contract?
Formal: It is imperative that you arrive at the meeting on time.
Informal: Make sure you’re on time for the meeting.
Formal: Please be advised that the deadline for submitting the report is next Friday.
Informal: Just a heads up, the report is due next Friday.
It is important to use the appropriate level of formality in different situations to show respect and to communicate effectively.
Sure, here are 20 examples of formal versus informal English:
- Formal: I am writing to inquire about the availability of the conference room on Wednesday. Informal: Can I use the conference room on Wednesday?
- Formal: The department will be closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day. Informal: The department will be closed on Monday for Labor Day.
- Formal: Please find attached my resume for your review. Informal: I’ve attached my resume for you to look at.
- Formal: It is requested that you arrive at the meeting promptly at 10:00 a.m. Informal: Please arrive at the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
- Formal: The company’s policy prohibits the use of personal devices during working hours. Informal: You’re not allowed to use your personal phone at work.
- Formal: I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to work with your team. Informal: I’m really happy to be working with your team.
- Formal: We request that you provide us with the necessary information by Friday. Informal: Could you send us the information by Friday?
- Formal: It is imperative that you adhere to the company’s dress code policy. Informal: Make sure you follow the dress code policy.
- Formal: The report will be delivered to you by the end of the week. Informal: I’ll have the report ready for you by the end of the week.
- Formal: I am writing to request permission to use the conference room on Wednesday. Informal: Can I borrow the conference room on Wednesday?
- Formal: The company will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day. Informal: The company will be closed on Monday for Memorial Day.
- Formal: Please find attached the updated version of the document. Informal: I’ve attached the updated version of the document.
- Formal: It is requested that you arrive at the meeting on time. Informal: Please be on time for the meeting.
- Formal: The company prohibits the use of personal devices during working hours. Informal: You’re not allowed to use your phone at work.
- Formal: I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work with your team. Informal: I’m really grateful to be working with your team.
- Formal: We request that you provide us with the necessary information as soon as possible. Informal: Could you send us the information as soon as you can?
- Formal: It is imperative that you adhere to the company’s policies and procedures. Informal: Make sure you follow the company’s policies and procedures.
- Formal: The report will be delivered to you by the end of the month. Informal: I’ll have the report ready for you by the end of the month.
- Formal: I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss the project. Informal: Can we meet up to talk about the project?
- Formal: The company will be closed on Monday in observance of Independence Day. Informal: The company will be closed on Monday for Independence Day.
Here are 20 examples of formal and informal sentences in business English:
- Formal: I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss the project. Informal: Can we meet up to talk about the project?
- Formal: The proposal has been attached for your review. Informal: I’ve attached the proposal for you to look at.
- Formal: Please be advised that the deadline for submitting the report is next Friday. Informal: Just a heads up, the report is due next Friday.
- Formal: I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to work with your team. Informal: I’m really happy to be working with your team.
- Formal: We request that you provide us with the necessary information by Friday. Informal: Could you send us the information by Friday?
- Formal: It is imperative that you adhere to the company’s policies and procedures. Informal: Make sure you follow the company’s policies and procedures.
- Formal: The report will be delivered to you by the end of the month. Informal: I’ll have the report ready for you by the end of the month.
- Formal: The department will be closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day. Informal: The department will be closed on Monday for Labor Day.
- Formal: Please find attached the revised version of the proposal. Informal: I’ve attached the revised proposal.
- Formal: It is requested that you arrive at the meeting on time. Informal: Please be on time for the meeting.
- Formal: The company prohibits the use of personal devices during working hours. Informal: You’re not allowed to use your phone at work.
- Formal: I would like to express my gratitude for the support you have provided. Informal: I really appreciate all the support you’ve given me.
- Formal: We request that you provide us with the necessary information as soon as possible. Informal: Could you send us the information as soon as you can?
- Formal: It is imperative that you arrive at the meeting on time. Informal: Make sure you’re on time for the meeting.
- Formal: The company will be closed on Monday in observance of Independence Day. Informal: The company will be closed on Monday for Independence Day.
- Formal: Please find attached the updated version of the document. Informal: I’ve attached the updated version of the document.
- Formal: I am writing to inquire about the availability of the conference room on Wednesday. Informal: Can I use the conference room on Wednesday?
- Formal: The company’s policy prohibits the use of personal devices during working hours. Informal: You’re not allowed to use your personal phone at work.
- Formal: I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to work with your company. Informal: I’m really happy to be working with your company.
- Formal: We request that you provide us with the necessary documentation by Friday. Informal: Could you send us the documentation by Friday?
