Future Perfect Continuous Tense

When we want to talk about an action that starts in the future and continues until a certain point in the future, we want to use the future perfect continuous tense. This tense consists of the words “will have been” and the verb’s present participle (when it ends in -ing).

How Do We Make The Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

Below you will find the structure of the future perfect continuous:

subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
invariableinvariablepast participlepresent participle
willhavebeenbase + ing

In order to form a question using the future perfect continuous tense, we need to switch the subject and the auxiliary verb. In order to form negative sentences in this tense, we need to insert the word “not” between the words “will” and “have”. Study the following table:

subjectauxiliary verbauxiliary verbmain verb
+Theywillhavebeenshoppingall day.
+Hewillhavebeenstudyingall weekend.
Wewillnothavebeenreadinga book.
Shewillnothavebeentakinga nap.

(auxiliary verb)

they(subject)havebeenmarriedfor long?

(auxiliary verb)


We commonly connect the subject and the auxiliary verb with a contraction when we talk or write.

I willI’ll
you willyou’ll
he willhe’ll
she willshe’ll
it willit’ll
we willwe’ll
they willthey’ll

To join the subject and auxiliary word together in a negative sentence using the future perfect continuous tense, you will need to use the contraction “won’t”. Take a look at the following table:

I will notI won’t
you will notyou won’t
he will nothe won’t
she will notshe won’t
it will notit won’t
we will notwe won’t
they will notthey won’t

Use Of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

We use the future perfect continuous tense when we want to discuss an activity that will happen before a specific time in the future. Look at the following examples:

  • You will have been an hour late if you stayed at dinner any longer.
  • I will have been studying for several hours before you arrive for our study session.

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